Module 2: The Threat Management Team

We are going to dive into the Threat Management Team; what it is, what it is responsible for, and how to effectively use it.

The threat management team is the most important group in relation to this training program for active shooter prevention. They are going to be the leaders. They are going to be the ones that any teacher, faculty member or student will go to addressing anything that’s out of place, anything that’s of concerning behavior or a threat to the school. They will have the policies, procedures and plans in place with regards to how to handle those situations. The threat management team will train the teachers so that the teachers are aware of the school policies and procedures, so they know when something is being violated, and what to do, how to report it. They’re going to take the information, they’re going to investigate it, and look at the credibility of what’s being reported, then discern what they’re going to do to respond to it. The threat management team has an obligation to compile factual information to resolve the concern once they’ve received the report. Encouraging an environment where people will communicate their observations, even if anonymously, is crucial, and how the threat management team handles that information is key. As the reporting entity receiving the information, knowing what to do, and acting with certainty is what will make the difference. This is one of the reasons I mentioned earlier about choosing your team wisely, with people who generally act with proactive responsibility. They’re going to be the reporting entity that people feel safe to go to and the decision makers on what is a credible threat. They will also be the group to liaise with Law Enforcement, and coordinate security measures.

I’ll be addressing the process of how to report and investigate later in the course. You will know how to report different types of incidents, and when it is necessary to contact the school’s legal counsel regarding a particular situation. You will know when to liaise with law enforcement, should the investigation reveal that you have a credible threat, and law enforcement intervention is needed.

Let’s break down how to choose your threat management team.

Here are my suggestions on the criteria to use to make your best choices.

  1. Faculty with whom teachers and students alike feel they can communicate with.
  2. Evaluate faculty whom you’ve observed taking initiative and have strong leadership qualities.
  3. It is important that you select people who can take a no nonsense approach, according to policy.

It is very hard for some people, especially teachers, who often see the best in people and their potential, to separate out care and the reality of a threat. A person who can, when needed, make a split second evaluation based on policy and observation of a potential threat is required for such a team.

  1. Calm and alert; not someone who over thinks things. Make sure members of your team are not those who have a tendency to lag, take it too easy or get easily rattled. . When this team is responding to a serious situation, a focused get up and go attitude with real initiative is critical.
  2. You will want to work with trusted colleagues. People earn trust over a period of time as an assortment of life situations present themselves. Sound, fair judgment, over a period of time usually makes one a trusted colleague.

The activities of the Threat Management Team include the following:

  1. The threat management team will usually consist of 4 to 6 individuals. These individuals may have different functions but their actions will be coordinated.
  2. It is very important that the threat management meet with teachers and staff routinely to monitor and address any concerns proactively.
  3. The threat management team should involve parents in problem solving and preventative measures meetings at their school.
  4. Threat management must be familiar with the school’s legal rights when investigating reports of concerning behavior or threats of violence.
  5. Threat management should drill the Emergency Action Plans for Active Shooter and Bomb threat response
  6. Threat management should practice Environmental Awareness training for external threats with teachers and students.
  7. Threat management should establish an anonymous Hot Line for students and community to report concerning behavior, or observation and/or communication of a threatening nature from another.
  8. Threat management should have an online submission report form for any and all reports. The best way to gather information is in writing. However, all avenues of reporting need to be open.


  • Threat management team ensures policies and procedures are being addressed regarding preventative measures of an imminent attack
  • Threat management team must know what, when and how security operations need to be implemented for a viable threat of attack
  • The threat management team compiles information received of the potential internal or external threat of an attack
  • Threat management team coordinates with law enforcement when credible threat has been established
  • Threat management team informs targeted individuals, whether it is a student or guardian, teacher, administrator, group or school, of the threatening intentions and implements safety measures
  • Threat management ensures Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is in place

Your print out for this module is a questionnaire that you can give to the threat management team mates you are considering. Evaluate those and choose based on your true observations and evaluating the answers you receive.

Do this by whatever process, individually or as a group, that works best for you. But have honest discussions to determine your best team possible. If there are some who want to be a part of the team, but don’t quite fit the qualifications, there are many other supportive actions that are extremely valuable and that they may be able to take on. But this team are the first responders, and they must fit the profile listed.

After you have taken proper measures to choose your team I will see you in the next module,

School Security Policies.