Module 1: Overview, Purpose and Benefits

Hello, my name is Allen Banks. I am the CEO of Proactive Protection Agency, a full-service security firm.

We pride ourselves on not just providing security for our clients, but also providing education as well.

I would like to welcome you and am appreciative of your commitment in keeping your school safe. Over the last several years I have been tracking the activity relating to school shootings. After extensive observation and research, I have developed an online program that I believe can be easily understood, applied, and is workable. Any school that fully does this program would be a school I would feel comfortable having my own child enrolled in.

If people know what to apply when a potential threat is present, this can actually decrease or stop the violent attack from occurring. That is the purpose behind this program. That is the ultimate purpose.

With Active Shooter Prevention Training we are geared to heightening preventative measures so that we aren’t needing to respond to the incident itself, but we’re responding to the activity that leads up to the incident. The emphasis is on preventing the incident from occurring.

In this course, you will set up a threat management team. Your threat management team has an obligation to acquire the information and resolve the concern of a threat once they’ve received the report. It is imperative that you choose the people for your threat management team wisely. Those with an alert, responsible and can do attitude are the best for your team. An apathetic person has no place in this activity. That nothing can really be done about it attitude should not be in your Threat Management Team. This is a very proactive approach where correct estimation for safety needs to be employed.

Many of you have acquired very good data that is available; especially with Emergency Actions plans that most schools now have, but we still have far too many shootings. I believe we have far too many shootings because there is not enough data regarding setting schools up with more knowledge on what to look for in preventative measures; specific things that isolate outpoints from warning signs that people are not aware of. The more data you have, the more usable knowledge you will have. We need to implement those preventative measures. When you observe things that are out of place you can’t second guess them. You won’t need to second guess them if you are well informed.

You will be able to say “OK, this is how we are going to treat this situation, based on the fundamentals of observation, clarification, reporting, investigating, and definitely knowing a credible threat and how to respond to it.”

It is known that when a shooting incident is occurring, the threat management team, teachers, school resource officers, and the students, are the ones who are dealing with these incidents, even when law enforcement may already have been alerted.

In most cases, prior to the law enforcement team getting there to respond, the shooting incident is over. The estimate is approximately 9-12 minutes and the shooting incident is done. So you and your team are going to be the first responders to react to it, to address it, handle it. It is the threat management team, the teachers, and everyone else there to protect those students. They’re going to be the first responders, and that is why they absolutely have to be trained in regards to what to look for and if a shooting incident occurs, exactly how to implement that emergency action plan. They’re going to be the ones who will be responsible for the safety and security for those students.

The first responders are the team who will be implementing the lock down, using the data from Homeland Security’s Run, Hide, Fight instruction. The students will be following their lead, so this team needs to know this real life drill well.

Every individual who is part of the threat management team will know the entire process from start to finish by taking each one of the modules in this course, listening to it and watching it, then downloading the checklist to go through it, step by step. Take the time to use examples and flush out different scenarios. Work through each Module check sheet until you feel you have full conceptual understanding of it. I say this because when a threat is present, adrenalin kicks in and when you go into overdrive, this drilling will be instrumental in your success.

This program builds upon emphasizing preventative measures. You will be enlightened on all the different elements that are instrumental in evaluating a potential threat; to report it, to investigate it, to mitigate it, decrease it or prevent it from actually happening.

These are a few benefits of the Active Shooter Prevention Training Program:

  1. A safe friendly environment for students, teachers and administrators, from the threat of disruptive or violent behavior.
  2. Policies and procedures with written guidelines for detection of early warning signs, prevention, and response to violent acts.
  3. A threat management team trained to insure application of security policies and procedures, and knowledge as a first response unit to provide safety and security for students and faculty.
  4. Maintaining good morale and productivity for students and teachers.
  5. Parents who feel confident that the school their child is attending has taken care to implement proper safety measures.

This is how the program works:

  1. Choose 5 of your staff who take initiative, are no nonsense, alert, and trusted colleagues.
  2. Give them access to this course. You have a key for 5 others to join.
  3. Either watch the modules together or gather to meet at a designated time after each one to do the exercises within this course together.
  4. I will introduce each section explaining my approach and reasoning on each subject.
  5. Then I will detail any precise activities that you will need to do to implement this program with a downloadable pdf.
  6. The checklist is meant to be done as a group, one item at a time until completed. By doing this, in the order of the checklist, the concept and activities of each module will build, thereby giving you a completed and well understood program with which to operate.

Insert an example of how you select a security team for a client and then set up the security operations.

The training program does a similar approach by selecting a threat management team for the school that over see all the security and emergency action plans for the school. Emphasize this as the important initial step.

Let’s get started with the Threat Management Team